Golf is part of the solution.
Our commitments
Stuart Perry, General Manager has committed to 7 fundamental commitments which frame our strategy of how we will become Net Zero. For the last decade, The Shropshire, part of the BGL Group has been a leader in sustainable golf and climate action and will continue to strive towards a greener future.
Our commitments are aligned to the Sustainable Golf Themes, Action Areas, OnCourse® tracking, Annual Scorecards and 5 yearly Certification provided by GEO Foundation (Golf Environmental Organisation) for Sustainable Golf.
We are proud to present what we have achieved so far across Energy, Water and Waste, and are committed to continuing our hard work within Sustainability and reducing the effects we have on the environment for the benefit of our employees, members, visitors and guests.
The facility was originally built in 1990.
The Shropshire Golf Centre is located to the North of Telford on an area of high ground bordered by open farmland to the North South and East, Muxton to the West. The clubhouse complex is a beautiful conversion of farm buildings.
The site maintains a range of hedgerows and expanded areas of trees and shrubs link the site to the surrounding farmland, the range of habitats is extensive and the large areas between fairways allow areas of land to be naturalised.
In June 2014 a Phase 1 Habitat Survey was conducted and mapped the various habitats identified across the site which identified the presence of Early Purple Orchids (Orchis Mascular).
The UK Biodiversity Action Plan: Priority Habitat publication shows that the site hosts a Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland, many are ancient woodlands hosting a range of rare and protected species.
We are reviewing the potential for the installation of solar PV and the transition to a Certified Green Gas supply to further reduce consumption and emissions. We have an ongoing process of energy review, most recently, in early 2023, we undertook and energy audit highlighting the potential to reduce our consumption by over 34,000 kwh/year (approximately 10 tCO2/year) which is equivalent too….
Over 8 UK households
emitting 8.1 tCO2e per household
122,000 miles
in a mid-range petrol car (based on 8.42 l/km)
Partnering with First Waste we are in the process of putting into place the recommendations of a waste audit conducted through July and August of 2023, we are currently engaging with our supply chain to help reduce the amount of waste coming to site, improve recycling rates, and to reduce delivery mileage.
We ensure hazardous materials are stored in bunded containers, and dispensed on a closed loop wash pad, containing any spills and using recycled water to wash equipment. We work closely with our licensed waste contractors to responsibly store and dispose of hazardous materials, minimising environmental impacts and improving the destination.
Irrigation for the club is provided by borehole abstraction, supplemented by surface water runoff. Although water shortages are less of an issue for The Shropshire currently, we are still working with the Environment Agency and Rivers Trust to contribute to local flood resilience and assist with water quality improvements.
The site maintains a range of hedgerows and expanded areas of trees and shrubs link the site to the surrounding farmland, the range of habitats is extensive and the large areas between fairways allow areas of land to be naturalised. In June 2014 a Phase 1 Habitat Survey was conducted and mapped the various habitats identified across the site which identified the presence of Early purple orchids (Orchis mascular).
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